

Each family is different, so the outcomes achieved are often different.

Vanguard Business Services has a long history of helping farm families plan for their long-term future. We assist families who may be integrating a new family member into their operations - perhaps a son or daughter returning to the farm business.

We use contemporary benchmarking approaches, ensuring the family business is an enjoyable place to work, and that the goals of individuals are aligned. We can also help with job descriptions and career paths.

Vanguard Business Services has a national reputation for contemporary approaches to succession planning, including delivering training programs to professionals working in the field. We work Australia-wide.

We convened the first National Farm Succession Planning Conference and have an industry leadership role in this important area of agriculture.

Each family is different, so the outcomes achieved are often different. We focus on creative solutions, using a robust process of balancing the financials and people aspects of the farm business. We coach you through the succession plan, drawing in outside expertise such as accountants, financial planners and solicitors, at strategic stages in the process.